Friday, December 10, 2010

CT blog assignment #5

While the course has given us wonderful insights into the concepts of cloning , aritificial intelligence, and other technologies, my stances on each of these concepts have not changed so drastically.  My persepctive on these matters has actually remained quite the same. The readings offered interesting idea that possibly an individual who did not know to much about the subjects could probably formulate some form of a decent opinion. The best readings that were insightful to promises and perils of these concepts were Never let me go and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, both were intriguing stories that brought your to the heart of the debates amongst cloning and artificial intelligence. Call me old fashioned but I am conservative in some respect when it comes to these issues.  We are hardly figuring out ourselves yet, and I think to jump so far without a parachute just seems terribly irresponsible. Which is why it is good that there is a debate on the matters. Though, it must be taken into account the atrocities that may occur with these future aspects. As well, I have always loved movies that central themselves around issues and are able to articulate the ideas in a moving way that it really gets you thinking. One of my favorites was "V for Vendetta", but I digress. Hopefully it can insipre a lot of use to stand up  for our convitions as opposed to the many who do not. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

CT blog assignment # 4

The debate amongst human cloning has still to be decided. We have not even gone so far in the debate on stem cell research which would be the first step into human cloning. Personally, human cloning is on completely different tangent than stem cell research. Cloning would be a whole new extreme to encounter. Numerous piece of work flim and literature convey their point of view on the debate. Particularly in Never Let Me Go shows the emotional side that the perils of cloning would bring. It deals with "students" who are later will become donors to people in normal socities who need specific organs. Kathy H. expresses, "What we want to know now, Miss Emily, is if the rumor's true or not" (Ishiguro 257). Expressing how the clones do actually have feelings. They have feelings and desires.  This is where the debate stems from on cloning, how can we expect to clone people and use them for therapeutic purposes. Especially, when they show the same attributes of being emotional and having feelings. In the story Miss Emily expresses, "---we did it to prove you have souls at all" (Ishiguro 260). The whole premise of the whole debate roots in this exact issue, which is do clones at all are real people. The importance of what we attribute to a soul, are clones capable of having one? Or are they just empy shells that are expendable sources of therapeutic purposes. Perhaps they are disposable, only further insight will tell.
Kazuo Ishiguro's,


Well I have never liked blogging and personally I still do not like blogging. However, it was fortunate for many of us to use this as way to comunicate with one another. In turn, it allowed us to help strengthen each others work. The most important thing is just keep your head in the game and do not drop the ball. Keep running till you get to the endzone and score. At least with that kind of determination you will succede in anything you do. The milestones do keep you at good a pace. Though, I do not know if it keeps everything coherent, but that is just me. The best thing was the help in how to do actual researching for your sources. I think once you get that down you good to do anything and everything. So all in all, grab a bucket of cookies and enjoy. =]