Thursday, November 4, 2010

Critical Thinking Blog Assignment # 1

Technology is always evolving to greater and better things. People develop their own theories on where technology is taking us. As for me I am rather skeptic about our technology development, if will be as good as some forsee, or the apcolypse of humanity. If you take a look around us, with every development there are pros and cons that arise with them. What we should weigh are whether the pros out way the cons by good merit. Though, I suppose in some way I am a pesstimistc cause it seems as time goes on we seem to loose a little bit of ourselves to those technologys. Therefore, I do not know if there will be conciousness in furture robotics. With an ongoing debate on what conciousness really is I am not sure if that is what can be realized through machines. If we cannot realize it within ourselves I think we are reaching for the stars by trying to achieve it with machines.

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