Wednesday, November 10, 2010

CT Blog post 2 eng101

So many people are so excited about new technologies that are coming forth. Though, I do not think some of them know what the reality of what they excited about really entails. Especially in development of robotics there are many intriguing things to that are being seen and yet to be witnessed. However, what does this all mean? Various scientist strive to achieve simulation of human behaviors, feelings, and even conciouness in machines. But, I think we have to evaluate what it really means to be human, furhtermore conciousness before we can even go so far. And it seems that the jury is s till out on the subject. Gelernter a scientist is very expressive on the future of robotics, "No computer will be able to think like a man uneless it can hallucinate" (202). Gelernter here gives us some basic standards as to what certain aspects exhibit human conciousness, and that is it only through these certain aspects can we wcome to accept that perhaps a computer is has "conciousness". Perhaps in light of these certain attributes if it is even possible it will take a vast majority of time before we can even have anything such as "strong AI". For instance many of the robotics scientist are creating simulate some human behavior such as waseda and even have problem solving abilities such as big dog, but who is to say that these are any prelimnaires to stong AI. After all they seem to only mimic a certain humans aspects, how can we conclude that they are even close to understanding how they do the things they do or why they do them. Is that not just it? That they merely preform on series of algoritims structured from some logic computations. Have they ever sat back and said "heh I wonder why this particular thing makes me angry.." or "Why am I even figuring out how to get through this obstacle?" Probably not, because we can deduce that the creators of these robots have practically all insight in their inner workings. Therefore, yes it is probably unlikely that strong AI may ever come to be realized, if at all it will take an extremely long time before it can be achieved. 

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